Product Details

Pellionia Pulchra


Pellionia pulchra prefers bright, indirect light, as direct sunlight may scorch its leaves. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, allowing excess water to drain freely to prevent root rot. Pellionia pulchra thrives in humid environments, so consider misting the foliage regularly or placing a pebble tray filled with water beneath the plant.

This comes in a 1 litre plastic pot. Green cover pot not included.


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Pellionia pulchra, commonly known as the Watermelon Vine or Rainbow Vine, is a delightful houseplant admired for its striking foliage and trailing habit. Native to Southeast Asia, this plant features vibrant leaves marked with intricate patterns resembling the rind of a watermelon, hence its name. With its colorful foliage Pellionia pulchra makes a charming addition to any indoor garden, bringing a touch of tropical flair to your living space.




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